Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance AgriRecovery
OTTAWA – Gerald Soroka Member of Parliament for Yellowhead wishes to advise that the Canada-Alberta Livestock Feed Assistance AgriRecovery initiative’s second phase opened on January 5, 2022 will provides continued assistance to eligible Alberta producers, who were hit hard by the 2021 drought. If you applied for phase one, you need to complete the application for phase two under the same business name.
In phase two, producers can apply for additional compensation (a secondary payment) to help cover costs over and above the phase one initial payment. Due to prolonged dry weather and extreme high temperatures, many producers experienced reduced grazing capacity causing a severe economic hit.
The secondary payment will be calculated using a feed-need calculation, supplemented by proof of eligible expenses, for all livestock with the exception of bees. Eligible beekeepers can be compensated for up to 70 per cent of the extraordinary costs associated with feed (pollen patties or syrup) required to prepare eligible hives for winter to a maximum of $7.50 per hive/colony.
Application deadline is January 31, 2022.
The application form can be found at: