MP Soroka’s Statement on Noah’s Law
OTTAWA: Gerald Soroka, Member of Parliament for Yellowhead, gave the following statement in the House.
“Mr. Speaker, last week, I introduced my first private member’s bill, called “Noah’s Law”, named after 16-month-old Noah McConnell, who was murdered alongside his mother, Mchale Busch, by a registered, repeat sex offender who targets women and children.
Cody McConnell, husband and father, along with Noah’s Law organizers, have been calling for legislative change because of these tragic murders, hoping that no other family will suffer like this again. Mchale Busch and Noah McConnell will never be forgotten.
Their murders should lead to meaningful change to strengthen the criminal justice system through Noah’s Law.
Once implemented, Noah’s Law will help empower the most vulnerable, especially women and children, by protecting them from violent offenders that live in our communities.
Hopefully, Noah’s Law quickly passes to help strengthen our justice system and prevent this from happening again.”
His statement can also be found at: